This book is a fully reviewed edition of “Coaching for behavior and results,” the successful PI Company publication that has opened the door for the development of better performance at work for many thousands of managers and employees. “Coaching for behavior and results” has been reprinted several times since it first appeared on the shelves in 2002. In the time that has passed since that first edition, competency management has become something of a household term. Recently, the role played by talent management has increasingly become another major area of focus —and rightly so. This fully updated edition will teach you to effectively take into account the vital role of talent in managing competencies, as evidenced by the carefully chosen subtitle: “A practical guide for capitalizing on talent.”
The main reasons for the enormous success of this book to date are its practical applicability and its familiar list of competencies with detailed features. As a result, both of these aspects remain unchanged in this new edition. However, the content of the book is noticeably different. As it now takes into account the fundamental role played by talent throughout, this book has become an even more invaluable tool for anyone who wants to work on improving performance. This includes managers and coaches, as well as employees, and both self-employed and other professionals. With the help of this book, you will be able to capitalize on your talents better than ever before.
PI Company helps organizations to become permanently result-oriented. Through the
implementation of high-quality e-HRM solutions in the fields of performance management, leadership, competency development and selection, PI Company realizes visible and immediate business results.